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We are always pleased to show new parents around our school — please telephone the school office to arrange a mutually convenient time to visit and for any other questions regarding starting school at Leeming RAF Community Primary School.

Reception New Starters

We admit 4 year old children into our Reception classes in September of each year. All children who have had their 4th birthday before 1 September will be offered a full time place at school. Parents may of course exercise their right for a child not to commence full time schooling until they are 5.

As a school which caters for Service families, children between the ages of 4 and 11 arrive and leave at any time during the school year. We have a good understanding of what it means to change schools frequently, and our aim is to provide a stable and secure environment for all children whilst they are in our care. We quickly assess new pupils who transfer to us from other schools, and support them well as they settle in. They fit in and make friends quickly. During outgoing transition we also liaise with new schools.  Places at Leeming RAF CP School are awarded by North Yorkshire County Council, please follow the link below to apply for a place.  

Admissions Policy - following North Yorkshire County Council Admissions Details

New Starters in Other Year Groups

Mobility is a key part of our school and we are very used to children arriving mid year, from all over the globe. We have a strong pastoral focus and are very experienced in settling pupils in rapidly. If you are joining our school, please contact the office ( and the admin team will be happy to direct you on the next steps. 

The children have put together a brilliant Arrivals' Guide which can be found by clicking this link.

In addition, this link from Childline provides some top tips for children starting new schools and dealing with transition. 

New Starters' Pack

Please click the link here for the Key Documents  which comprise our new starters' pack.

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