Charging and Remissions Policy
We aim to enrich the curriculum with special events, regular educational visits to places of interest and by inviting other professionals into school. Parents are supportive of these activities as they significantly improve the experiences and learning on offer to children. Additionally, we take the children to Bedale for swimming lessons as swimming is part of the National Curriculum. These occasions are of particular value, but they can be expensive. We are not legally allowed to charge for them, however we do ask parents for voluntary contributions in order to fund these important occasions, which could not otherwise take place. Enrichment activities will usually cost around £15/term per child in addition to swimming.
We are grateful to the Friends of the School for regular donations towards the cost of special events in school, for example they pay for a professional theatre company visit, and for ‘Music for Life’ - an interactive musical performance.
Where parents are unable to contribute, children will still take part. Please note that any shortfall in funds is made up from our school funds. Parents who pay do not subsidise other children. Trips usually run at cost or with a subsidy; any surplus would be reimbursed.
Full details can be found in our Charging and Remissions policy below.
Charging and Remissions Policy.