Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception)
At Leeming RAF CP School we recognise that all children develop in individual ways, at varying rates. Every child is a competent learner who can be resilient, confident and self assured. All children are given an excellent start in their education through creative and innovative teaching and learning experiences.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is for children from birth to five years of age. The first year in school, which we call Reception Year, is the final year of the EYFS.
All of the requirements set out in the National EYFS documents are in place and all staff adhere to the recommendations.
Curriculum Design
For details of our curriculum structure, please see the links below:
Curriculum Plan
The document below offers a detailed overview of learning and progression through EYFS across different areas of learning. It also captures a number of the foundational subject objectives which ensure readiness for KS1 and beyond.
Curriculum Plan and Progression
Progress in Writing (from emergent mark-making to structured whole-sentence writing) is captured in the document below.
An example of our curriculum topic overviews can be found by clicking below:
Curriculum Overview, Spring 1.
Curriculum Overview, Spring 2.
We aim to:
- encourage all children to be independent learners and take responsibility for their own learning
- provide a safe, challenging, stimulating, caring and sharing environment which is sensitive to the needs of all children, including those with special educational needs
- provide opportunities through planned, purposeful play in all areas of learning and development, both inside and outside
- plan opportunities that build upon and extend children’s knowledge, experience and interests, and develop their self-esteem and confidence
- provide a broad, balanced, relevant and creative curriculum that will set in place firm foundations and skills for future learning and development
- challenge all children in their learning and thinking, so that they progress as far as they are able.
- monitor all children’s progress and use this to develop the children further in their learning
- work in partnership with Parents/carers and value their contributions
Parents' Information
Please find further information by downloading booklet below :
Baseline Assessment
All pupils in EYFS undertake the Reception Baseline Assessment. More information can be found below: